. >> you mentioned medicare is unsun stayable.ut i think there's also an argument to be made that the costs of prithe health insurance are unsustainable. the premiums cobt to go up. they take a bigger portion of wages. how is that any different? >> i don't think that that's true. medicare is unsustainable because the government has made a commitment to the seniors of america that we can't afford to keep over the longer period of time. the more baby boomers that retire, the more impossible it is to provide all of the benefits that have been promised with the money that we have or don't have. so then you switch over to private insurance. that isn't a promise that anybody has made to provide something to you in the future. it is true that the costs do continue to increase. one of the reasons that is so is that in america especially but in the western world in particular, new drugs, new treatments, new devices are being invented and discorder day and every week. and those prolong life, they give a greater quality of life. it is tremen