>> to the medicare pp o.? yes. again it's ape ls and oranges it's one large ppo network. >> please continue. that was the highlight of the advantages and disadvantages of both plans, in the appendix we provided a sample of the id cards making the point that general medicare is primary they would have to show their medicare id card as well as blue shield card and they would following that particular slide have a separate prescription drug card so it is different from a service experience level today different id cards it's not a delegated model the payment isn't today like it is today the $25 koe payment at the point of service they will get a pill this is not a bill from blue shield so that is different today. >> also on page one of this here in-network services under out-of-pocket maximum the new in network would be 6005 and the new one is 2,000. that is quite a jump. >> yes it is the jump. >> i thought it would be the opposite for blue shield 65 +. that's a huge jump. >> yes. >> >> $4,000 >> with work with our pr