kids are setting off fireworks in the medinah. incoming.uhammad's birthday, and people who have not known freedom for nearly 50 years are ready to celebrate. martyrs square is filled with families, kids, teenage skater boys and hotshots on motorcycles. it's wild. and almost giddily happy. young men in the camouflage pants of the militias, most of whom were civilians until last year, do their best to sporadically keep order or just join in the fun. every kid above the age of 5 seems to have been issued a lighter and a fistful of fireworks. ambulances idle on the margins of the square to treat fireworks-related injuries, of which there will be many. >> no, no, no! >> that was good. this is tripoli after 42 years of nightmare. how to build a whole society overnight and make it work in one of the most contentious and difficult areas of the world is what people are trying to figure out. [ chanting ] >> so, before the war, did you think it would ever be possible? >> no, no. >> did you dream some day this will change? >> no. in gadhafi's time, you