adam: welcome to medmen west hollywood. lemonis: adam bierman is medmen's co-founder and c.e.o.that a pot store or marijuana store? adam: you can call it whatever you want. i call it the future. lemonis: wow, this place is cool! it was definitely not what i expected. medmen was open, airy, and modern -- nothing seedy about it. adam: there's no bars on the windows. there's no guy with a gun at the front. you're walking in, we're open to the community. lemonis: i like the design. there were ipads everywhere loaded with information right next to gizmos that let you see and smell before you buy. adam: this allows the consumer to actually see it through a magnifying glass, to smell it through a little door that slides open there. lemonis: this door right here? adam: yeah. so, you would actually stick your nose in there. lemonis: i caught a whiff of madmen's strategy -- more style, less stigma. was it just window dressing, or would it entice customers to actually pay more? have you ever been in a cannabis store before? crystal: i have, but not one as nice as this. lemonis: what do you