it, starts off as medusa with males and females then the larva is like a tictac with her. so the first section is the idea of the book then it becomes a polyp like a cnn amine with tentacles. they live upside down it could live like that for many years so in i the second section but at some point to giving those environmental cues it will go into a stack of plate then i realized i needed to get out of texas then each of those pops off that becomes a baby jellyfish then later become medusa which are the mature jellyfish and it starts over h again. so the medusa is definitely not the only part although that is what most people think of. so back to how do they get around if you look carefully at a medusa in the aquarium right around the edge of the bell those are the sensory organs and in each one a couple of eyes, a touch plate it can reach out into the water to smell chemicals and a balance sensor and a pacemaker that controls how fast it pulses. the nerves run and they integrate all the information from all directions it is experiencing. although not centralized and don't