chairman meehan, ranking member spear and distinguished members of the subcommittee. it's a privilege and honor to appear before you with my colleagues. and to discuss cpb or custom and border protections intelligence efforts and evolution. first i'd like to just highlight with almost 60,000 employees, cpb makes up the largest law enforcement organization in the nation. and has been given the responsibility to protect the united states from terrorists, weapons of mass effect, drug and human smugglers, agricultural disease, among other threats, all while fostering our nation's economic security and competitiveness through facilitating lawful international trade and travel. cbp provides a layered defense along with 7,000 miles of land border and along 95,000 miles of shoreline in partnership with the u.s. coast guard. at the core of cbp's mission is to detect and detour the movement of foreign terrorists and terror-related materials across the u.s. border. i'll give you two quick examples that highlight's cbp's highlights effort on this front. cbp officers at port angel