to know if a contract is final or if you're happy with the terms of the contract or setting up meeti meeti meetings as part of your due diligence, i think you have a duty to do due diligence. but i think letting me or staff know that you're officially in your title as commissioner meeting with an investment manager, you know, is, i would say, the very least that i would expect that the board would ask. and that's sort of the policy in line with the blackout period. you can talk to interested parties, as long as you notify me in advance that you're going to. we have proposed language that satisfies everybody? okay. can we go back over it to have -- hear it officially? >> so we're focusing on subsection j of the code of commissioner conduct, and this is focusing on the city attorney, of mr. brian's language, so it would say any suggestions, exercise of undue influence, including without limitation, any attempt to influence staff or consultant's recommendations, end parentheses, or administration or investment matters shall constitute official misconduct and/or a violation of this code, provi