my name is meg kaylee and i'm a variety streamer. ♪ my nading, ding.aylee anoreo for santa...a,eamer.? it's-my first day. ahhhuuuuggghhhaaa you comin'? help the world believe in holiday magic.thing and this year was harder than ever. and yet, somehow, you all found a way to pull it off. it's not about the toys or the ornaments but about coming together. santa, santa, you're on mute! just wanted to say thanks. thanks for believing. people have depended on technology more than ever. i mean, i don't know how i would have made it living through the pandemic in 1918. what are you supposed to do back then while quarantining, read? gross! this is a gram aphone. music sucked back then, guys singing about how their sweetie loves apples or whatever. the biggest tech product of the year was zoom, and if it took a pandemic to get rid of skype, then i say worth it. skype was great if your goal was to not have a meeting, and some people complain zoom charges you for longer sessions. you know what? i say thank god. the only thing getting me through a call with my family is knowing there's a 45 minut