ball is for everybody else. it's just two, and they're both mega. they're both at the d.c. convention center. ing the night away at those inaugural balls that a banquet of an entirely different kind was happening across town. on this might four years ago in a d.c. steakhouse call the talkus room, some of the top republicans m country, eric cantor, kevin mccarthy, paul ryan, jim demint, tom coburn, john kyl held a secret meeting about how to handle this new popular democratic president. what they decided on was a strategy of 100% total no cooperation. no cooperating with president obama on anything, period, end of story, even if he agreed to their ideas, their answer would be no. on everything substantive. the pbs program "frontline" laid out some of the details of that meeting last week. >> they decided that they needed to begin to fight obama on everything. this meant unyielding opposition to every one of the obama administration's legislative initiatives. >> the feeling was that if that group could cooperate and if that group could lead, that the wilderness might not be a generation away. >>