will enough of them show up to bring in the 84 mega hertz? and others think it will be the must-carry stations. how will that impact communities under served by media right? -- underserved -- >> that is definitely a concern. but you know, with me, the market and the voluntary option should be open for all. i am hoping, if this does impact, we will continue to to think about how we can get others to do more and these relationships that could provide other opportunities. and so, it is going to be a challenge if some of the predictions are true. but there are a whole host of opportunities that i hope stationholders will engage in. you can partial engagement and that could promote and provide opportunities for the type of opportunities we want. -gauengagement >> do you anticipate shaird ownership rules? >> i anticipate that in the coming weeks >> the commission talked about relaxing the newspaper rule in the market. do you have a stance on that issue? do you think it will be revisited? >> we have been talking about this for a number of months as