european union decided years ago, they had a proceeding, they said we think that safety requires 20 mega hertz, but we're going to have a third channel, so up to 30 megahertz as contingency, might be useful to have cars communicating with stop lights and things like that, even though that's not always time critical, it could be on the third channel. so europe is still going with 30, up to 30 megahertz, which is why one of the proposals when it looked like it would be mandated, one of the leading proposals, cisco had a proposal and qualcomm had a proposal to say let's give safety its own exclusive 30 megahertz at the top of the band so that wi-fi can share the rest, so commercial applications can share between the src and wi-fi. the emergence of cellular throws in a wildcard, new aspect of can we still do it the same way, should we still do it the same way. on one hand, since cv to x is starting from scratch, would be easy to use top of the band for safety, but on the other hand less clear how well they can co-exist with wi-fi or whether that makes sense because each of the mobile carriers have