massive tax giveaways that handed over more than $1 trillion to the wealthiest americans and megacorporations, we're here debating a giveaway to the world's biggest banks. we have moved on from tax handouts to the wealthy to taxpayer-funded bailouts for wall street mega banks. that's not my opinion. the nonpartisan congressional budget office released their analysis of this bailout bill and noted that the risk of a financial crisis would go up under this legislation. why in the world is congress doing anything that increases the risk of a financial crisis? it's only been ten years since the great recession, but republicans seem to have forgotten about that. and maybe that's why this week is so confusing, back the backers of this bill are not talking about the risks to the entire financial system that they are enabling. they've forgotten that, and only in talking about the benefits to community banks. and, yes, there are some benefits. those of us on the other side of this legislation are not arguing about that point. you could probably find consensus among all 100 senators here in this body t