. >> all right, thank you, we have got a speaker today, and miss megan elliott from the human services agency and she will be presenting on the resolution and how it will retroactively resolution that will approve a new three year contract between the city and home bridge for their inhome support services. >> yes, good morning, supervisors my name is megan and i am the inhome supportive services program director with the human services agency and with me today is john, the human services agency director of contracts. we are here to present for your consideration, the file, 170231, that seeks approval of the contract between the city and the county. for the provision of contract mode inhome supportive services. july, firls, 2013, to 17, in the amount of 131,487,797 however pursuant to a recommendation from the budget analyst, we ask you to approve the contract for the period of april, first, 2017 to june, 30, 2019, in the amount of 66 million, 972,9030. and i will give you some background about the ihhs program. and california welfare and institutions code, mandates that all counties at