i'm megan gglliland, fox45 morning news. baltimore police are investigating 2 shootings, this morning... including a murder in west baltimore.a man pratt street near soutt pulaski street... just after &p6 o'clock... tuesday night.no word on any suspects oo tte city council waats to dollars... from the mayor's prrposed budget. jack young wants the mayor too use the savings... to prevent &precreetion centerr from closing and to boost aftee- school programs. but the mayor says she wiil not conttnue to fund dilapidated rec centers... and won't rip funding from the police budget at a time when city crime is &pat a record low.but the mayoo &pdoes say... she is willing to (45:50) anything is oo the tabbe you have to have someone to negotiateewith i can't negottate with someone who walks away from the negotiattng table....//sst # 2// (50:16)lets fullyyfund the rec cenners let's fully fund afttrschool programs let's fully fund jobbopportunities for our yoouh and we all can happy the council has approved a 5-cent increese in he citt's