some groups aae planning to today... the special session gets underway.i'm megan gililann, fox45 morning news. the city is taking control of vvcaat lotssthe ccty cooucil is consideerng forming a lltt, parrs and ggeen spacce. a 3-alarr firr rips through an auto dealership in prince geooge's happened sunday morning... at he pontiac deaaership in marlow heights. the fire damaged a numberrof evvcuate the building... once the roof bbgaa to sag. luckily... no one was injured. luukily... no one injuued. .. no one was the forrer brother-in-law of singer-actresssjennifer huuson weekend... of kkiling hee mother, brother and nnppew.a chicago ury convicted wiiliam home nvasion, kiinapping, uder stooen vehicle..rosecutors say hh committeddthe crrmmssoot of wife adda boyfriend..h now &fan ppison. "yaaoo" is getting somm new weekend... thh company'ss c-e-o, scott thompson, left hii post... after reports surfaced of him llinn about hii college deeree.yahho's media chief, rrss levinsohn, ha aappinted some new board members.thompson aa withh yahoo forrjust four months. starting today...