megan gilliland isslive in south baltiiore with more on why they were told to eave and never come back. good morning guys,after months of hard work hhre at the american areer institute... students are wondering if it was all a waste... if their money is gone.some were only before they were told to eave in thh middle of class warniig.escorted out by police... confused studdnts ptood ootside the a-c-i we're told the same thing is happening at it's wheaton and columbii campuses too.students come to this school to learn anything from dental assissing to digital medda.some spent months orkinggtowards their career... only to find... they're now locked out. "thii is bull crap, bull bbllcrap""wwrk hard, staa is &pstraight this is postposterou" "ttey told us might as well go "they were given aaletter from a-c-i... explaining the schooll campuses... because it couldn't get additional credit from school lenders.bascially &pthey have no mooey. and it's not jsttstudents that are being impacteddby this... emmloyees say they were told they'll no longee be getting paid..ind out how thee plan to fight