megan mccain is white? i don't know what to believe anymore. and could it be that "i" have lied about candidates i disagree with like that time i said that harry reid is just a leather saddle bag brought to life by a navajo shaman. i mean it feels true but maybe it's not. i don't know. or maybe it had nothing to do with the candidate. after all, the first district is a solidly republican stronghold. and i know you are supposed to stick with your team no matter what. that's why every football season i put my money on the baltimore colts. it is comeback time, johnny u! the point is, in politics, it is us versus them. but apparently some of them have the nerve to call them us. how dare them. and, folks, i've always believed in partisanship but now that it's cost my sister a seat in congress, i have my doubts. after all, partisanship has made it almost impossible for anything to get done in washington. congress can't raise the debt ceiling. they can't pass a budget. and the house spent all last week debating whether they are dead locked or gridlocked until they finally reached a stalemate. ( cheers and applause ). now, some people out there blame