we have ben stine and megan mcdowell. >> this act has gotten so er ridiculous at this point.the in about to change course and admit that anything is wrong and it's a narcissist attitude that made the world dangerous. everyone and every single person with an ounce is saying that it is not working, but we're hearing the same thing over and over. >> yeah, they have been doing the charm and it's been stopping isis, right? >> it seems like the white house has been concerned with what they say and the language that they use rather than how they act, right? it's about -- >> that's what happened when you put a lawyer. >> yeah, exactly. in terms of the war on terror i go back to ben laden gets kill and the war is over and then it's the same thing. they will not admit ever that there's a radical can islamic terrorism incl the world. until you do, i don't think that -- even if you have the best strategy, they're not going to get on board with it. >> yeah, they're not clanging the position, and this is worth the next 14 months is going to look like. what do you think? >> this is going to