and cap monday's plan to develop trade agreements and their respective national currencies. megan megan mckenzie black a . because if we love the booking with us, so it will be kind of a based on the one good, not in that that should be posted through proper bank in general, the rest of the stock. and then go over that with a recent summit of the organization. china and russia also agreed a road map to expanding trade in that currencies. last week, india announced that is to trade in rupees with moscow after developing a payment mechanism, enabling it to do so. and last month, turkey and russia signed an agreement for economic cooperation that we'll see the russian variable used in bilateral trade. we spoke with natalie, that journalist, i wrote it out. ok, but at a coin here says that us dominance on the influence of the dollar in decline, given the fact that russia still does not engage anybody deeper manner with nepal. i think eaves fleet have towards these, you know, local currency in a setting. i think it will make the, the ma, school start listening to think, you know, thing more like to e