men demanded that you have six of meghan. >> then i attempted. we did that for like five minutes. and then that failed. >> and, even though they were being held at gunpoint, robert said megan i was, like meghan, just stop, you know, just stop, just do what he says. >> according to robert, the man told them to go downstairs. >> he got really, really, angry. take her downstairs. i took her downstairs. and then he pointed the gun at the both of us we were both standing there. >> and, the mask man grabbed the knife and started stabbing meghan. >> stabbed in the neck a few times. and then i think he stabbed her in the back a few times. at the time, i just didn't want to watch it. after i saw the neck part. >> and the masked man, when it was, done made him pull his finger out any stuck's finger, cut his finger open and put blood in the blood with megan 's. >>and then he let some of my blood drip out. and then he was like, you tell anyone, i swear to god, i'll kill you and your family. >> he ended his twisted tale by explaining how the mask man ordered him to leave. >> i want for you to take your shirt off, because when he stabbed her the blood splattered everywhere. he said, tak