megan murphy is head of "fast ft ," a service that delivers market-moving news 24 hours a day. she will become washington bureau chief for the financial times in january. what is it exactly you do? give me a sense of your day. >> i started at bloomberg a week ago. picture, when i was at it wasss insider," basically reporting on the news in real time, trying to bring financial journalism up to the speed that the internet and also take advantage of the due outlets that we have, social media, getting the financial news through the proper channels. >> with global markets the way they are, what time would you get up and what would you read? >> for five years, i got up at 4:00 in the morning. business,rted in the there was the euro zone and all of the different financial crises going on. there was so much to catch up on. if i got into the office at a normal hour, i would have felt impossibly behind. basically since i started, my first read in the morning was twitter and following financial experts all around the world, waking up and saying, what did i miss? usually people will tell m