. >> i megan megan myers, on the coast guard reporter at navy time. i wanted to ask what are some of your biggest personnel wins over the last couple of years and what you have on the docket for the next couple? >> personnel wins, very pleased with our leadership program that we have for all of our enlisted personnel and i give it great credit for our petty officer of the coast guard so we have from the most junior level to the most senior level our enlisted workforce eight leadership continuum going all the way to the e9 in the coast guard. we we are still catching up in that regard when it comes to our officer leadership development programs and that is a question of capacity. the area i am immensely pleased with, we have a diversity and inclusion strategic plan as well, so we are finally catching up to reflect the demographics of this nation within our workforce in the coast guard. i have taken a personal effort, i have been out this last year to seven minority serving institutions, when i go there i do not go by myself. some of does not want to se