. >> the co-chairs of the task force, megan wier, and timothy papandreou from sfta will provide a progress report on vision zero and initiatives. >> good morning, timothy papandreou, co-chair and joined by may megan wier. most information is in writing, and the powerpoint is also available. we are going to give you verbal updates on key pieces and then happy to answer any questions. in the update itself, there are some specific areas this we want to touch upon, mainly the progress of the two-year action strategy, and some of the progress from the subcommittees. and also to what we call vision zero group updates that megan will go into and the key pieces. just quickly, the vision zero two-year action strategy, we have been working now with our subcommittee leads to develop an action plan for the next two years, to have a specific action and strategy ready for release this december. our next committee meeting we will present that as well. on the engineering, mari hunter presented the status updates, i we went -- i won't go over that again. and to report safe streets success, which is a city-