dave barry famously calls them megaturds. the current environment takes you in two directions. watergate was a running investigation where you are trying to get things, but you're also taking the time to nail them down. >> i think we have to talk about the current environment because the dominant fact of the current environment is the way the information is being received. the readers and viewers are very different today. we had a readership that is much more open to real fact than today. there is a huge audience partly whipped into shape by this 24- hour cycle that's looking for information to confirm their already-held political, religious, prejudices', believes, and ideologies. that is the cauldron into which all of this information is put. we had a bit of that. they tried to make our conduct in the press the issue and it worked for a while and they called us democrats and said bradley was a well-known liberal and all the rest. it did not work anymore. i have no doubt there are great reporters out there in news organizations that could do this story. what i don't think -- i'