. >> once karl rove questioned the call by fox's decision desk, meghan kelly walked back there. >> whoaful. >> reporter: live camera in tow. >> keep coming. >> we're quite comfortable with the call in ohio. >> reporter: the anchor was abc's diane sawyer. >> can we have our music, because this is another big one here. >> reporter: viewers thought her delivery was strange. i'll have what diane sawyer is having, tweeted singer josh groban. >> president barack obama has won minnesota. >> reporter: someone else tweeted "diane sawyer declares tonight's winner is chardonnay." officially abc wouldn't comment but staffers suggest diane was exhausted from hurricane coverage and debate prep. and what's an anchor supposed to do when she gets a call of nature while she's in the middle of calling states? >> i came back from the bathroom and said that colorado was still too close to call. nobody told me while i was in the bathroom colorado went for president obama, thanks, you guys, i really appreciate it. >> reporter: one thing networks don't project are bathroom breaks. jeanne moos. cnn -- >> good n