narrator: meghan landowski the teenage victim, was someone he knew. he knew her whole family. it was her stepfather, chris, who found meghan's body as he came in from work. she was just white, just laying there as peaceful as she could be. then i went, i looked again. then i noticed-- i saw blood. sexually. >> assaulted and. >> she was bleeding. >> to death. >> to death. narrator: she was a tiny 16-year-old girl who cared about people and loved to dance. he couldn't comprehend what had just happened to her. could you tell how she had been killed? i recognized what i saw, but i wasn't processing what i saw, does that make sense? when i found chris, he was going into a state of shock and he had this distant look in his eyes. i still had the phone in my hand, and he was the one trying to bring me out of the trance that i was in. he pointed at his eyes and said, you know me. look at me. narrator: chris pulled himself together and called his wife angie at her office. her coworkers drove her home. so we get there, and they've got the house taped off and i'm running towards the house.