. >> i never heard of meghan mackle before.as beautifully surprised when i went to the room and saw her. [laughs] is going is going for mo >> shepard: the american actress meghan mackle will marry britain's prince harry who is fifth in the line to the throne. the royal family made the announcement today in this video. prince harry says, he knew meghan mackle was the one the first time they met. he says he has no doubt the california native will be able to handle everything that comes along with the royal title. >> this beautiful woman tripped and fell into my life and i ran into her life. the fact that i know she's unbelievably good, is a huge leap to me. >> shepard: it may not have happened in previous generations because meghan mackle is divorced. benjamin hall is a cross in our london bureau this evening, and benjamin, how are they taking it over there? >> shep, you can imagine it has gripped the nation since they started to go out. he gripped the world. bringing together two completely different worlds. british royalty and