the next morning, the mayor and his helpers are once again working to make megyer a nicer place. they drink a toast to the future of their village, when they hope looks bright. -- one they hope looks bright. damien: one of the biggest issues europe a struggling with at the moment is how to deal with a growing influx of refugees. many europeans say it's a moral issue for people fleeing war and oppression to be granted asylum in the eu, but others believe large numbers of asylum seekers are too much of a financial burden. either way, the numbers are growing. compared to the size of its population, it's sweden which takes in most refugees, and in some parks of the country, local residents hope the new arrivals could help revitalize a flagging economy, but for the refugees themselves, a new life out in the woods of the chilly north, things are not so easy. >> mohammed has plenty of time to go walking with his daughter. back in syria, he worked as a chef. now he lives with other asylum-seekers on the side of a former ironworks. there's only one store in the area, but it is expensive,