indonesia is now with one country, many the first part of october 1344, army generals are killed, mehdi chand, by a group that is not known who they are , they accuse general sahar, the chief of staff of the army, of the communists, and kar is extremely angry with the communists, the united states is asked to go to the embassy. it is related, but it is too late. the indonesian army has been bought and staged a coup. the leadership of the coup is talking to shamran . in october 1344, general question 2 declared martial law and revealed jakarta as the capital of indonesia . bala gives 55,000 people to sohan to it is raining fast, the american ambassador is marking the names of the executed, army trucks full of stunned people are going to the slaughterhouse , they are not allowed to return, the united states does not allow any media to publish indonesian news, oil is now a disaster for the lives of the people of indonesia . insta and the cost of tire rotation of the american people's cars is shown by the people of indonesia with blood. the american ambassador proudly remembers this day . zahra o