the leader is identified as the new mehdi offis almost, and within the inner circle as you go up through various levels of initiation, especially if you're rights through the bureaucracy, the police and the army. as you keep going higher and higher, more and more stringent ideological requirements of loyalty are introduced so that at the core there is this total obedience and loyalty. our day will come. we wait patiently, and the mehti will tell us our day will come. this is what i mean by an anti-sleeper organization. now, this is obviously not something that you can come out into the open with. you would be stopped for an insane asylum. you know, consider especially a society like turkey where the vast majority is quite knowledgeable about islamists. they are believing and practicing sunni muslims, let's say, most of them, and, of course, the ideology is within sunni islam. it's not shiite or alowite or whatever, and this cannot possibly be a mass modernization ideology or any kind of foundation for a political program for political platform or agenda. what you try to do with respect t