mega-donor paul senior whose son is gay and also former republican national committee chairman ken mehlman who acknowledged he's gay long after he left the gop leadership. and that, again, from "the washington post." >> this is eleanor roosevelt's typewriter. it's on this typewriter that mrs. roosevelt wrote her "my day" column. what i have here are the original drafts of some of the column that i wanted to share. this first is eleanor roosevelt's first "my day" column, and it sets the tone for the columns to follow. what she's talking about here are the comings and goings in the white house as they're getting back to the regular schedule after the holiday season. this clipping is a "my day" clipping from november 6, 1940, election day. she talks about how at midnight a larger crowd than usual came in from hyde park with a band and torches and wonderful placards. the president went out to greet them. this was their tradition on election night. the roosevelts would come to hyde park, gather family around and await the election results. when they were announced, the folks from hyde park woul