i will be able to pay these loans and sorrows because this work and stable business of mehraban del hi family has solved the problem and our side is an entrepreneur and the entrepreneur gives the commitment and guarantee. let's cover the report in the field of entrepreneurship let us report that according to the announcement of the presidential vice president for science and technology, 16% of knowledge -based companies are owned by women, 11% are women ceos of creative and knowledge-based companies, and 22% are women members of the board of directors of these companies. and the quality control engineers are all women, even pregnant women are women, and i am proud of myself that the role of women in the employment and economy of the country is very strong, so that according to the announcement of the deputy employment of the ministry of labor, by the end of january this year, from 160 years 90,000 issued, related to women, there was a conference in sanad this year to celebrate women social entrepreneurs, job creation and entrepreneurship , they had solved a social problem, empowering rural wo