two are at kansei electric power's meihama and one is at power's meihama and one is at japan's atomic power company's suduku plant. the three are all offline. but the older plants now face stricter inspections. officials with the nuclear regulation authority say operators who want to run their facilities beyond 40 years must conduct ultrasonic checks of their reactor's entire structures. they also have to closely analyze the strength of the concrete in their reactor containment vessels. a new set of requirements will also be introduced for all reactors by july. operators who can't meet them may be forced to decommission their plants. >>> people in part of northeastern japan are having an easier time getting around. the 2011 earthquake and tsunami destroyed a train line that connected communities along the pacific coast. crews have spent two years rebuilding the railway. they just unveiled the latest section. nhk world was there. >> reporter: trains from across japan joined locals at a small station. more than 200 people attended a ceremony to mark the restoration of service on part of