. >> tha f ov ) today cindy crawford ndawfordew meingfeauty ula, brght you byut-renr, u'isr seet notaginacly but beautifuy whlookinyobsutbe evy step of the wa think my phisoy on agingis reallmore my philosophy oniving, whicisust it we, ta ce ofourself. it's abo celebrati where you e d being e be youthatouan bin tt moment en is not agin u're just living. ale rrator in nexfew minutes,somethsmostpiomen will share wityou the seets to loong as yoonutside feel on inside. (valer) i am 54 years ani feel like i have th little extra oomph that need becae my skioks good i love mskin nowi lot. there's no question at my skin is bett now than it wafiveears ago. orma) at 65 s ol i fe aolutely bulo, i feel beautiful.