meissner, why don't you agree with him if you hold him in high regard?> well, i think the -- what you will find, as we go through our discussion right now, is that there's not a great deal of difference between d dr. benjamin's position and my position. i think that we don't know if masks make a difference in transmission. and particularly, in a school room setting. i think adults who are foolish enough not to be vaccinated, they should wear a mask. but for children in school, we always have to think about the disadvantages of any sort of intervention. and what are the advantages. and, for example, the paper that dr. benjamin published which was wonderful, it's the sort of study that we need. but i think he will acknowledge, there was no control group. and dr. fauci has made very clear these days that we cannot make decisions based on uncontrolled clinical trials. he compared his data with data from a school in israel that did not mask. and we don't know anything, i don't know what grades those children were in, in the israel school. i don't know what so