. >> hi, i'm mel arthur and welcome to the savings shopping network and we are about to show you our savings value of the day. and you are gonna love this. you know the savings shopping network is here to save you money 365 days a year and we have the biggest moneysaving device we've ever had on in the history of the network. let me tell you why. we're talking about big savings right here. we're talking about 100, 200, $300 a year. did i get your attention? let me keep going. how 'bout 400, $500 a year? how 'bout $600 a year? how 'bout 700, 800, 900, maybe $1,000 a year? that's what the magicjack can do for you. you're probably saying to yourself, how can an item this small be that powerful and save that much money? well, think about this. what's the worst thing about going to the mailbox? it's getting your utility bills. this is my water bill, this is my electric bill and this is my telephone bill. now, if i don't use any water during the month, you know what? i don't have a water bill. if i don't uy