. >> we're the only show that would put mel bernstein in, but not jimmy carter. just one quick thing about mel. he was a character, this gun owner and our producer found him and then it was like i wanted to have him on all the time, because and he was wild guy. the first time that he picked up one of those guns and pointed at the camera, i literally flinched. >> what kind of a guy named mel bernstein goes around selling guns? the great thing is this is just a sign of how the show developed or developed or devolved. i thought this whole thing was supposed to go in the first flop, but through the whole show, daryl hannah was in that flip. cenk: you had her edited out. >> daryl hannah! she's a lovely woman, fighting for the environment. cenk: we have mel bernstein in, we can put daryl hannah back in. cenk: rodney king i think asked the most inappropriate question on t.v. >> some people were offended that you asked that question. i was happy you did, because it was an authentic question to you. >> it was a great question. i think it was the question that everybody, i