barbican includes a performing arts center, an art gallery and residential complexes. architect melanie schubert has renovated some 2000 of the plats for clients. she's lived in one of them herself for a while and knows that many of her former neighbors are bands of brutal is brutal isn't why i really like it. but i think if you come with know troy knowledge of brutal as i'm all the bobby can all modern architecture, i think it's, it's but difficult. intermittent green areas form oases in the urban desert. the 3 residential towers reaching 123 meters high number among london's tallest buildings also unique for the high walks reserved for pedestrians, while road traffic passes beneath. henrietta fillings also appreciates the barbarians, shifting perspectives and simplicity. we're just looking at stack a hair into one of the blocks, but it's just 3 simple materials, concrete, steel and glass. what i love about is just the simplicity of it. and through that simplicity, you get designs like this and, and through the glass, you see the concrete stage. and again, you see the steel banisters to even 3