. >> melatia. sfwv who is toing and turning tonight. rob rt mueller. new questions of investigation into potential tries using truthp administration and russia. those questions are coming from a man that could shut it all downment they're looking at ways to short circuit the probes and badon left him to -- whether it's fair or unfire depending how you look at it as investigation rolls on as you close out the week wouldn't you love to be sean spicer. no more having the toe the line about inauguration crowd sizes anyone in demand let me know he may lighten up a little. maybe saturday night live give them a chance in the spotlight any way. that's final five for this friday and this week. we'll be bad at it monday morning. always fwlab to you have high. see you soon z2e2hz z1a2z y2e2hy y1a2y z2e2gz z1a2z y2e2gy y1a2y harvey: so justin bieber has been banned from beijing for being a bad boy. >> what has he done that they won't allow you in a country? >> egged a house and peed in a bucket. harvey: ok, he wasn't prosecuted for peeing in a bucket. >> it's chin