melgar present melgar present vice chair sardar sardar present commissioner sherril sheryl present commissioner walton walton present chair we have quorum. >> thank you so much madam clerk do you have any announcements? yes. thank you. >> for members of the public interested in participating in this meeting, we welcome your attendance here in person in the legislative chamber room 250 in city hall or you may watch cable channel 26 or 99 depending on your provider or stream the meeting live at of gov for those wishing to make public comment remotely the best way to do so is by dialing (415) 655-0001 and when prompted and bring access code 26603554576 and then press pound and pound again you will be able to listen to the meeting in real time when public comment is called for the item you wish to speak on press star three to be added to the queue to speak do not press star three again or you will be removed from the queue when the system says your line is unmuted the live operator will advise you that you are allowed two minutes to speak when your two minutes are up we will move on to the next caller. >> calls will be taken in the order in which they are received. the best practices are to speak slowly, clearly and turn down the volume of any televisions or radios around you. public comment for items on this agenda will be taken first from members of the public and attendance in the legislative chamber and then afterwards from the remote speakers queue on the telephone line. >> thank you. thank you madam clerk. before calling the next item as chair i'd like to invoke rule 3.26 from the rules of order to limit total public comment to 30 minutes for today's meeting each speaker will have up to two minutes to speak on a given item. >> madam clerk please call the next item item to charge the report. this is an information item. >> thank you madam chair. colleagues this month i am delighted to start with a big thank you to bart for delivering our new fare gates at all the san francisco downtown stations and a new canopy at the embarcadero station just ahead of the nba all star weekend and chinese new year parade a couple of weekends ago. thank you to vice chair sauder for speaking at the event which was also attended by commissioner chen bart director dan ensley and edward wright and many community members. >> not only do these new fare gates work great to secure our stations but they are also the first major capital project that has been delivered with our voter approved prop l prop l colfax fund. thank you to our board and staff for providing 12.5 million for this new equipment. >> the mission stations are also done and the glenn park and balboa stations are slated for completion later this year. so thank you again bart and san francisco voters. >> another piece of good news comes to us via the mtc which has recommended a 25 million regional bond measure three hour three safe routes to transit and bay trail grant to the multimodal bay skyway a transbay capital project that includes our yerba buena island multi-use path. >> this award comes to the full commission this week and i am excited to be able to vote on it at my first meeting on that body. thank you to my colleagues for appointing me to sit on the mtc. >> we thank mtc for their partnership along with caltrans and other agencies as we seek state and federal funds to round out our budget for the bay skyway which will be incredibly transformative for healthy connections across the bay. >> turning to a top priority for all of us transit operating funding i'm grateful to mta chief deputy executive director alex bachman and s.f. mta director julie kirschbaum for being here today to share the good the new the results of a regional survey regarding a potential multi-county transportation revenue measure to stabilize transit in sfm to phase outlook respectively. >> i look forward to working with you both to support this critical conversation at the regional and local level and also want to express our appreciation and support for the leadership of senators weiner and aragon who are working with their colleagues on statewide solutions. thank you also to commissioner mandel min. for serving with me and other community and civic leaders on the muni funding working group which has been meeting diligently through the sfm and the comptroller's office for efforts to discuss revenue and non revenue strategies to address muni's funding needs. i remain committed to bolstering muni funding and finding ways to close the gap as equitably and thoroughly as possible while maintaining the transit service levels. >> finally, i'm delighted to congratulate director kirschbaum on her appointment as a permanent sfm tas director and appreciate her outstanding leadership at this critical time. >> she's also a district seven resident so i'm very proud. >> thank you for leading muni so capably through all the challenges of the recent era and transforming the service to be faster more reliable than ever as well as affordable safe and clean. i'm looking forward to working with at director kirschbaum and the mta board in mayor larry as we chart a path forward to stabilize and strengthen muni's finances and services. muni is essential for our city's recovery and keeps us all connected on a daily basis. with that i conclude my remarks. if there is no other questions or comments from my colleagues, let's open this up to public comment please. >> right. is there anyone in the chamber who wishes to speak on item two ? >> it will never be personal to you know it. >> okay. so you said you said the words that are part of the script you are forced to read unfortunately equitable safe. what is it reliable? i mean winning the muni obviously but it has to be free in the future or you see free its way up for it's not you guys the guys implemented this total on destroyed the city. >> you mentioned the chinese new year excellence. >> i understand it's a year of this nature. >> somebody is going to have to take care of this next yeah because that's the future. okay. it's away from transportation here even though i'm transporting you here in the future step by step. >> so i want to be cool this morning. i keep my glasses. >> whatever. talk to you later. >> there is no more public comment in chambers operators their remote public comment checking for remote public comment on this item. there is no public comment. >> okay. without public comment on this item is now closed. madam clerk, please call item number three item three executive director's report this is an information item. thank you much. we have our executive director here to give the report. >> good morning. good morning chair milker and commissioners. let me go ahead and also echo our thanks to general member general manager bob powers of bart for the terrific event to celebrate the fair gates and also appreciate that bart has delivered fair gates at the two mission stations as well as 16th and 24th. of course glenn park and balboa will follow and we expect the completion of those stations by the end of the year and i want to appreciate commissioner chen also for joining the vice chair souder and myself at that event. now turning up to the national level, i just wanted to acknowledge of course president trump's executive orders in late january that may impact us that those set of orders temporarily paused funding in a host of areas including in green and clean energy projects diversity equity and inclusion type activities as well as rescinding other particular grants that that are underway. so we remain vigilant here and working with the city also with mtc and others to track these developments. secretary duffy also issued a policy directive in january outlining new intended criteria for disbursing federal transportation funding. among other things, these include requiring programs to prioritize funding for communities with higher marriage and birth rates as well as requiring local compliance with federal immigration enforcement. so again, we will track those developments along with city attorney's office and working in conjunction with many other states and locals. >> we also would like to mention the california courts have recently upheld the california puc permit for the expansion of waymo passenger services in san francisco previously san francisco had filed a lawsuit to argue that the cpsc had not been considering necessary public safety information and developments when granting the waymo and cruise driverless deployment permits for unrestricted commercial passenger services in san francisco. in particularly we advocated for a more thorough and transparent review of public safety related emergency response events before awarding the permits. the city further argued for safety guardrails and increased reporting to the public. however, the court sided with the cpc ruling that they were reasonable and in compliance with existing regulations. so we continue to work with both the cpc and california dmv on regulatory approaches to addressing those concerns. >> next i just wanted to also appreciate in addition to the $25 million that chair mentioned for the conditional arm three award for the multimodal bay skyway project that our staffs did submit a $71 million application for state solutions for congested corridors grant funds and this is for the bay skyway transportation authority with the bay area toll authority and caltrans are applying for these funds that would help construct dedicated facilities for trans bay travelers, cyclists, pedestrians and transit riders that would help implement our multi-use path. so thank you so much and we anticipate hearing the results of the application this summer. turning to local updates. >> our mission bay school study is undertaking outreach and this was requested by commissioner dorsey. >> the mission bay school access plan will hold an online townhall on february 26th this week 6 p.m.. and this will be looking at concepts that improve safety and connectivity to the new school in mission bay where community members have identified many high priority barriers to to reduce for students and we invite the public to attend online and or request a presentation to your community group at cta. >> mor mission bay school as well. turning to another update this time the m m line the boarding island at san jose and geneva near balboa park station has been constructed. so we think as a public works and as a firm to pay for this new improvement that many an ocean view riders have been seeking for some time and previously those riders did have to step off onto the street directly so the new boarding island is one of the first quick build elements of the ocean view transit and safety project which focuses on improvements along the m segment between in the process and the balboa park bart station. so we appreciate that work which we did also support through the planning and design phases with our prop double vehicle registration fee and sales tax funds as well. turning to the vision zero update and of some pedestrian safety improvements in district six, i'm happy to congratulate public works on their delivery of the vision zero coordinated pedestrian safety bulbs project which substantially completed and is open for use for two bulb outs, four new curb ramps and a raised crosswalk at eighth and a minor in district six along a high injury network segment. they're improving accessibility and reducing the likelihood of collisions. these were street corners with sub sidewalk basements so they were a bit more complex and we were very happy to support those with $700,000 of prop double a vehicle registration fee funds and thank them once again finally on our westside bridges project and hillcrest road i just want to mention and thank our team led by carl homes for a steady delivery on time and on budget for these two projects. this is the westside bridges retrofit to rehabilitate and reconstruct eight bridges along treasure island road connecting to the bay bridge and for that project we also secured a $10 million set of funds and housing incentive pool that was provided by the mtc and prioritized by the mayor's office and with our staff's support that along with about a total revenues for a local partnership program fund exchange will help to construct we hope the retaining walls that are needed to deliver and improve the roadway for the multi-use path. so the westside bridges project is about 50% complete and the hillcrest project as related there is about a third done again both on time and on budget. so thank you to our partners and also to anila for and her team for helping to work out those those funding opportunities to secure that 10 million for the retaining walls and of course i just want to add my personal things and congratulations to director kirschbaum on her appointment as mta director not only has julie have two decades of transportation experience and widely respected in the industry of course and in san francisco and the bay area for her leadership leading muni in the recent era but also we are very proud of her because she also was our senior planner working on the geary brt project prior to her tenure at sfm to so she's an alum thank you very much thank you so much director chang for those remarks. let's go to public comment. are there any questions or comments colleagues seeing none let's go to public comment on this item. >> is there anyone in the chamber who wishes to speak on item three? there is your two minutes start now you are looking down. >> it's not good. you have to look up. i'm going to comment everything you just said something again you are forcing me to intervene you said again vision zero zero vision and i said before there is no zero zero doesn't exist. >> it's a yeah you don't cry at mta meeting last week i was there just before one of my comments there was a young girl asked to read something about safety. >> she burst out crying because she could tell she was forced to read something. >> you do not use the kids and it's not going to work very well with me here. >> she had nirvana written on shots she burst out of a loving hit crying. >> i said you see that's not good. yeah. look down. don't worry, don't cry. you're going to cry. >> yes. some pointer. i'm going to try to prevent it. you're going to cry you for your lies and the trap you put yourself in. >> okay? there is no more public comment in chambers operators the remote public comment checking for a remote public comment on this item is no public comment . >> okay. seeing no other public comment this public comment is now closed. >> madam clerk please call the next item item four approve the minutes of the february 11th, 2025 meeting. >> this is an action item call colleagues if there's no questions or comments let's open up this item for public comment. >> is there anyone in the chamber who wishes to speak on the minutes? >> there is not. >> operator is there any remote public comment? >> there is no remote public comment for this item. okay. public comment is now closed. may i have a motion to approve the minutes by a supervisor commissioner management and seconded by commissioner dorsey? >> madam clerk please call the roll. >> okay. commissioner chen chen i commissioner chen chen i commissioner dorsey dorsey i commissioner and guardian in gardell i commissioner fielder felder i commissioner mahmood mahmud i commissioner randleman madam and i chair melgarelgar i vice chair slaughter sardar i commissioner sherril sherril i commissioner walton walton i there are 11 eyes the motion to approve the minutes has passed i thank you madam clerk please call the next item. >> items five through eight comprise the consent agenda staff is not planning to present on these items but are available for questions. >> okay. thank you madam clerk. we do not need public comment to on consent item so unless one of you has an item that they want to pull up let's have a motion please to approve the consent agenda. okay by commissioner mahmood seconded by commissioner mandel men madam clerk, please call the roll on the motion to approve the consent agenda just yes let's do same house, same call. >> thank you. let's go to our next item please. madam clerk. >> exciting item nine regional transportation revenue measure polling results this is an information item. >> okay. >> what we've been waiting for. thank you so much. >> we have our chief deputy director mari