melinda martin, a former james ray employee, was on the scene, as well. she says as the ceremony went on, the injuries got worse and the scene became more frighteni frightening. >> one guy had fallen into the pit in the middle, fallen into the pit of molten rocks and burned his arm, and all the white of his skin was gone, and it -- the skin was just hanging off of his elbow. so, down his leg, down both sides of his arms and he was staring, not reacting to the burned arm, and i was trying to take care of him, and miss mindset was getting back into there. i'm not done, i have to go back in. >> reporter: he went back in? >> he did. >> reporter: because of the enormous power ray has over his followers, she said. during this crisis, as his followers lay sick and dying, his former employee, melinda martin, performing cpr on one of the victims, says ray simply stared. >> i look up and he's watching from stand-up position. he didn't offer to help. he didn't say anything. nothing at all. and he was kind of just looking around. i'm sure he was shocked. but so was i