melissa: you say everybody has to take a stand. one person who didn't take a specific stand depending how you look at it, last night miss universe's competition, miss frances asked about an open borders. i will talk for a long time, so everyone can look at the girl in the bathing suit. she was asked about open borders. it was like a rorschach answer in my book. see if you can tell what she was trying to say. >> >> translator: so the country should have the right to open or close their borders. having open borders allows us to travel more through the world and to find out more about what is out there in the world. melissa: so, it should be left up to the country whether you want open or closed borders. in a way, it is kind of a clever answer, it means nothing. you could hear from what you want. if you want to close them. we have right to decide. we won't close them. if you want open borders, that is great too. >> i'm sorry i was looking at women in the bikini. melissa: exactly. that was the point bringing her into this discussion frankly. >> i like the french accent as well. listen, there is no advantage in the middle. people used to think it was a good id