melissa no kmans. are you crazy you're starting a content travel site in the middle of a recession. people say nchgt. but swrp someone said something like you can do this. go back to those people and explain to them why they've helped you how they've helped you and prove people right. turn that negative energy into positive. turn the old clisha when you're a kid prove that coach wrong, son. no no prove them right let's talk about how they helped you become a success. >> a lot of times it's the proving something wrong that gives -- puts a fire in your belly to say i'm showing you and be successful. psychologically what does it do to think of it the other way. >> as entrepreneurs you have to be an optimist. which rowe why bring yourself into negative energy. the proving people right turns the negative into a half full. do you expect the theron you're going to be proving proved i don't think so many entrepreneurs have three, four five six years to become successful and those people thinking you weren't making it. aren't bleaching it until you get it there. it doesn't help to go back to