now the strip down edition thanks to the mellen grant is available universally. and the documentary, with all the documentary materials, you can get it through libraries that have rights to do so. but it's a wonderful and democratic move in terms of information availability and accessibility. it's very empowering for future generations of students and hi hope for future generation of legislators reflecting on our history. >> could i just add to that? this documentary collection which is now almost 125 volumes of debates over democracy, in all the issues of liberty, representation, federalism, all of these issues debated. and it's the greatest collection of debates on these issues of democracy in the history of the world. now it may be that fifth century greeks had a richer debate. but we don't know about it. maybe 17th century england had a really rich debate. we only know a fragment of what went on. here we have 25 volumes of ordinary people in these ratification conventions debating these fundamental issues of how much government should we have. how much libert