Oct 19, 2011
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el numero de personas que han perecido por comer melones infectados continua en aumento... a 25 aumento el total de personas que han perdido la vida a causa de la infeccion por listeriosis que pueden provocar los melones infectados... tambien, unas cien personas se enfermaron pero no han perdido la vida... autoridades senalan que los melones bajo sospecha ya no estan siendo vendidos, pues fueron retirados de las tiendas el mes pasado... la listeriosis provoca nausea y fiebre entre otros sintomas... tras intensas horas de trabajo, promocionando su plan de empleos en virginia, el presidente obama se tomo un descanso para comprar calabazas... el mandatario y su esposa se detuvieron en un mercado de granjeros en la zona de hampton esta manana, despues de su visita a la zona... la pareja presidencial compro unas 10 calabazas para llevarselas a la casa blanca... el presidente obama concluyo una gira en la que visito tres areas de virginia para promover su plan... si usted esta pensando viajar para las proximas fiestas de fin de ano y que practicamente se inician con las celebraci
el numero de personas que han perecido por comer melones infectados continua en aumento... a 25 aumento el total de personas que han perdido la vida a causa de la infeccion por listeriosis que pueden provocar los melones infectados... tambien, unas cien personas se enfermaron pero no han perdido la vida... autoridades senalan que los melones bajo sospecha ya no estan siendo vendidos, pues fueron retirados de las tiendas el mes pasado... la listeriosis provoca nausea y fiebre entre otros...
Oct 20, 2011
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. >> aumenta el número de muertos por comer melones contaminados con listeria los detalles en breve.ington dc fernando pizarro con los detalles . >> 55 millones de beneficiarios no recibían el reajuste desde el 2009 . >> la asociación americana de personas retiradas aplaude esto, pero cree que no es sufuciente. >> no es suficiente porque los pasados años no ha habido ningún aumento . >> los retirados sufrieron el aumento de los precios . >> poco más de 1000 dólares pero para los hispanos es aún menos . >> basado en lo que han ganado y los años que han pasado en el país . >> este aumento no podría significar mucho si medicared anuncia el aumento de sus primas . >> analizan cambiar la forma en la que se calcula el costó de vida . >> desde washington univisión . >> si usted planeaba tomar un avión para visitar a sus seres queridos pienselo. >> debido a que las tarifas de boletos aereos van en aumento . >> debido a la gran demanda por la menor cantidad de vuelos disponibles. >> hoy apple cerro sus puertas por unas horas para realizar un evento para steve jobs . >> murió el pasado 5 de oc
. >> aumenta el número de muertos por comer melones contaminados con listeria los detalles en breve.ington dc fernando pizarro con los detalles . >> 55 millones de beneficiarios no recibían el reajuste desde el 2009 . >> la asociación americana de personas retiradas aplaude esto, pero cree que no es sufuciente. >> no es suficiente porque los pasados años no ha habido ningún aumento . >> los retirados sufrieron el aumento de los precios . >> poco más de...
Oct 21, 2011
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melones una vez mas se extienden hasta washington las protestas a las leyes promulgadas en algunos estadosigracion ilegal, por sus efectos en las poblaciones inmigrantes en general...fernando pizarro nos amplia.. el destino final de las leyes migratorias estatales de alabama, georgia y arizona terminaria siendo decidido por la corte suprema. desafortunadamente es muy seguro que terminaremos en la corte suprema. tenemos 1 corte suprema mas bien conservadora, pero seguimos con la confianza de que los argumentos son tan establecidos que hasta esta corte suprema va a encontrar que estas leyes son inconstitucionales. asi anticipan activistas hispanos, de inmigracion y de derechos civiles en el congreso en washington. es muy posible que estas leyes a nivel estatal van a terminar en la corte suprema, y eso a mi me da angustia porque se que tenemos el caso para ganar, pero no se sabe lo que haran los jueces a este nivel. la ley de alabama todavia permite a la policia revisar estatus migratorio, pero otras regulaciones como investigar el estatus legal de ninos en las escuelas han sido bloqueadas po
melones una vez mas se extienden hasta washington las protestas a las leyes promulgadas en algunos estadosigracion ilegal, por sus efectos en las poblaciones inmigrantes en general...fernando pizarro nos amplia.. el destino final de las leyes migratorias estatales de alabama, georgia y arizona terminaria siendo decidido por la corte suprema. desafortunadamente es muy seguro que terminaremos en la corte suprema. tenemos 1 corte suprema mas bien conservadora, pero seguimos con la confianza de que...
Oct 20, 2011
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these are melon ball shooters. all right. melon ball.ur mouth. >> andrea: wrapped in bacon, they're delicious. you're both so red. >> greg: god and coeds, two of bob's favorite things. we'll talk about both of them next. i'll come by your home when you're asleep and reachange your furniture. "the five" will be right back. ♪ ♪ welcome idaho, where they grow america's favorite potoes. everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great. but did you know they'reood for you too? they're high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart assoction for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they're good for my family, and for yours. heart smart idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ ♪ >> bob: wednesday, i was with rosa parks and i've moved up. now i'm george jefferson. welcome back to "the five." this is about the university to require religious groups to allow leaders with different religious beliefs to head up the group. what we didn't talk about is 23 m
these are melon ball shooters. all right. melon ball.ur mouth. >> andrea: wrapped in bacon, they're delicious. you're both so red. >> greg: god and coeds, two of bob's favorite things. we'll talk about both of them next. i'll come by your home when you're asleep and reachange your furniture. "the five" will be right back. ♪ ♪ welcome idaho, where they grow america's favorite potoes. everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great. but did you know they'reood for you too?...
Oct 21, 2011
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these are melon ball shooters. all right. melon ball.our mouth. >> andrea: wrapped in bacon, they're delicious. you're both so red. >> greg: god and coeds, two of bob's favorite things. we'll talk about both of them next. i'll come by your home when you're asleep and reachange your furniture. "the five" will be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bob: wednesday, i was with rosa parks and i've moved up. now i'm george jefferson. welcome back to "the five." this is about the university to require religious groups to allow leaders with different religious beliefs to head up the group. what we didn't talk about is 23 members of congress are now stepping in after writing a letter to the school's chancellor opposing this rule. okay. what do you think? >> dana: this has been asked and answered by the united states supreme court. you don't have to hire someone not of your faith. there are congressional members who have written a letter because they agree -- >> bob: but the difference here, under school rule if you want to become official organization, you ar
these are melon ball shooters. all right. melon ball.our mouth. >> andrea: wrapped in bacon, they're delicious. you're both so red. >> greg: god and coeds, two of bob's favorite things. we'll talk about both of them next. i'll come by your home when you're asleep and reachange your furniture. "the five" will be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bob: wednesday, i was with rosa parks and i've moved up. now i'm george jefferson. welcome back to "the five." this...
SFGTV2: San Francisco Government Television
Oct 4, 2011
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but no matter which one you like, how do you pick the best melon? we turned to the expert. >> so, anyway, i would pick this watermelon, simply because it's all filled out on the end. this is a--this is the fill-out end. you know, here's the--here's where we cut the stem off right here. ok, and this is where it's growing. it's growing from this end, and it's all filled out. see how it's all filled out right now? if it's indented somewhat, it's still growing. >> ok. >> now, that is one of the things to look at. you wanna have one that sounds good. >> no, yeah, what's the thumping? i mean, is that-- is that an urban legend, or is-- >> well, the--the thumping is after you've--you've picked the watermelon in the store. let's say you assume all the watermelons are ripe in the store. >> mm-hmm. >> every one in th bin or on the shelf are ripe. then you wanna start feeling them. if they have a good sound to 'em, it means that they're not overripe, when they have a-- a flat sound, uh, doesn't have a good ring to it. this has got a nice ring to it. if it's got
but no matter which one you like, how do you pick the best melon? we turned to the expert. >> so, anyway, i would pick this watermelon, simply because it's all filled out on the end. this is a--this is the fill-out end. you know, here's the--here's where we cut the stem off right here. ok, and this is where it's growing. it's growing from this end, and it's all filled out. see how it's all filled out right now? if it's indented somewhat, it's still growing. >> ok. >> now, that...
Oct 27, 2011
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los fallecidos por comer melones infectados con la bacteria de la listeriosis aumentaron a 28 y hay otrasonas enfermas, informaron hoy las autoridades sanitarias del pais...los centros para el control y prevencion de enfermedades confirmaron en su ultimo informe, que el brote, el peor ligado a una infeccion alimentaria desde 1985 y que se ha propagado por 26 estados, ha causado ya la muerte de 28 personas...el mayor numero de fallecidos se ha registrado en el estado de colorado, de donde proceden los melones infectados, y en nuevo mexico... una comision del estado aprobo formalmente un plan para aumentar el impuesto a la gasolina en maryland, en 15 centavos en un plazo de tres anhos... la propuesta esta lista para debate por la legislatura estatal y el gobernador martin omalley ha manifestado que apoya la medida destinada a recaudar mas de 800 millones de dolares anuales en fondos para proyectos de transporte.. la propuesta incluye un aumento del 50 por ciento en el costo de las registraciones vehiculares.... el tema de la violencia domestica llega al capitolio... expertos dicen que no ha
los fallecidos por comer melones infectados con la bacteria de la listeriosis aumentaron a 28 y hay otrasonas enfermas, informaron hoy las autoridades sanitarias del pais...los centros para el control y prevencion de enfermedades confirmaron en su ultimo informe, que el brote, el peor ligado a una infeccion alimentaria desde 1985 y que se ha propagado por 26 estados, ha causado ya la muerte de 28 personas...el mayor numero de fallecidos se ha registrado en el estado de colorado, de donde...
Oct 12, 2011
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ultimas muertes se registraron en louisiana..en maryland una personas perdio su vida tras consumir melonesresuntamente portadores del mal.. . el metro, considerado como el principal sistema de transportes de nuestra region estaria considerando cambiar a un solo tipo de pasajes... claudia uceda nos trae el informe.. te acuerdas cuanto fue la ultima tarifa que pagaste en el metro? "normalmente yo pago en las mananas como $1.90 una cosa asi" " a veces pago $2.40, a veces $ 1.85... " el monto varia... depende de muchos factores...si usal papel o la tarjeta smart trip "en las mananas a veces pago una cosa, los fines de semana se paga otra, realmente uno nunca sabe cuanto esta pagando..." en total, hay mas de 44,000 tarifas diferentes.... y es por eso que los miembros del comite del metro manana en una reunion examinaran posibles cambios... entre ellos el de crear una tarifa fija... idea que es bien recibida por la mayoria de usuarios... "yo pienso que seria mejor una tarifa fija que sea usted sabe asi como el bus uno vaya donde vaya siempre igual le cobran" "en la ciudad de mexico, el metro sie
ultimas muertes se registraron en louisiana..en maryland una personas perdio su vida tras consumir melonesresuntamente portadores del mal.. . el metro, considerado como el principal sistema de transportes de nuestra region estaria considerando cambiar a un solo tipo de pasajes... claudia uceda nos trae el informe.. te acuerdas cuanto fue la ultima tarifa que pagaste en el metro? "normalmente yo pago en las mananas como $1.90 una cosa asi" " a veces pago $2.40, a veces $ 1.85......
Oct 1, 2011
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. >> en el noticias de salud, suman 17 las noticias porconsumir melones con la materia inisteria.bajado el mar, segÚn el centro para el control de enfermedades. los departamentos de salud de wyoming y kansas investigan otros decesos. concediÓ a conocer el vÍdeo donde casey anthony conociÓ la noticia del deceso de su hija caylee. ♪ >> dos aÑos tardÓ en dar la luz del dÍa esta grabaciÓn, que muchos especularon de la teorÍa a casey anthony. su equipo defensor movÍa mar y tierra para evitar que el video se diera a conocer durante el juicio. muestra cÓmo ella se entera de que se encontraron los restos de su hija. ella dobla el torso, sudando y llorando. dicen que se puso pÁlida y hasta su trigo crecieron un sedante. los pocos minutos arribÓ su abogado que le explicarÍa lo que acontecía afueras de la cÁrcel. el que hace sÓlo dos dÍas, el mismo abogado usaba el calificativo de tortura para describir lo que supondrÍa revelar la grabaciÓn, ya que casey, que fue juzgada y absuelta por la muerte de su hija el mes de julio, segÚn Él no merecÍa el sufrimiento. el magistrado discrepÓ con el lic
. >> en el noticias de salud, suman 17 las noticias porconsumir melones con la materia inisteria.bajado el mar, segÚn el centro para el control de enfermedades. los departamentos de salud de wyoming y kansas investigan otros decesos. concediÓ a conocer el vÍdeo donde casey anthony conociÓ la noticia del deceso de su hija caylee. ♪ >> dos aÑos tardÓ en dar la luz del dÍa esta grabaciÓn, que muchos especularon de la teorÍa a casey anthony. su equipo defensor movÍa mar y...
Oct 16, 2011
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. >> agricultores de california, aún sufren consecuencia brote listeria y melones contaminados no sonote más mortifero causado por un alimento en estados unidos. >> uno de los abogados defensores caso jackson dijo que teoría que cantante bebió proponol deberá ser abandonado y fiscales fueron sorprendidos por cambio estrategia defensa. >> mire los taxistas en san francisco pretenden aprobar una autorización y piden que se revierta lo de la junta de transportes y alegan que cargo cuesta entre 1000 y 2000 dólares al año. >> incremento ganancia conductores. q qué calor en la bahía. >> veamos el tiempo para el fin de semana. >> un vistazo a las condiciones del tiempo y máximas en 72° y un grado por encima de la media y a partir de hoy capa marina más extensa y por lo menos la primera mitad con bancos de niebla y brisa del norte y variable en la región y vemos del sur en san francisco y aquí desde el oeste y palo alto y la última lectura que llega y vemos el radar con condiciones despejadas y la probabilidad de chubascos existe y san francisco espera capa marina y lo que trae presidente de
. >> agricultores de california, aún sufren consecuencia brote listeria y melones contaminados no sonote más mortifero causado por un alimento en estados unidos. >> uno de los abogados defensores caso jackson dijo que teoría que cantante bebió proponol deberá ser abandonado y fiscales fueron sorprendidos por cambio estrategia defensa. >> mire los taxistas en san francisco pretenden aprobar una autorización y piden que se revierta lo de la junta de transportes y alegan...
Oct 5, 2011
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> listeria sube a 18 muertos, según la información oficial hay 100 casos de personas enfermas por melonesses después de tener la bacteria , . >> un banco aumentaría la comisión de las cuentas, le contamos al volver . >> . >> (♪ ♪) . >> hoy testifico la novia del ex doctor de michael jackson . >> ella dijo que tenía paquetes a nombre de murray pero no pregunto . >> también un farmaceutico hablo de propofol . >> si es culpable podría pasar 4 años en prisión ,. >> una nueva ley requiere que víctimas sean notificados cuándo se exonere al criminal . >> los asembleistas presentan de esto por el caso del ex gobernador arnold schwarzenegger , . >;> citybank se une a comisiones desde diciembre subre el saldo de 6 mil a 15 mil quienes no lo tengan pagaran 20 dólares al mes . >> deberan tener un saldo de 6 . >> mil . >> el hospital general de san francisco esta certificado para casos de traumatismo craneoencefalico . >> esto sale a relucir por el caso de brian , el fanático de los gigants . >> se hacen una 300 operaciones del cerebro . >> sus hijos no podrán estar en la demanda a nombre del fanático
> listeria sube a 18 muertos, según la información oficial hay 100 casos de personas enfermas por melonesses después de tener la bacteria , . >> un banco aumentaría la comisión de las cuentas, le contamos al volver . >> . >> (♪ ♪) . >> hoy testifico la novia del ex doctor de michael jackson . >> ella dijo que tenía paquetes a nombre de murray pero no pregunto . >> también un farmaceutico hablo de propofol . >> si es culpable podría pasar...
Oct 8, 2011
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bien y buenas noches ahora a la pausa >>> al menos 21 personas han muerto por la listeria con los melonesel país, se espera un aumento en el número >> cambio de tema, en mira quien baila damari lopez nos cuenta de sus comoromisos y de su ex >> hola amigos, adamari lopes fue elegida como de los más poderosos >> no queremos que naie más tenga esta enfermedad y captarna en una etapa temprana y si eso me hace poderosa lo elijo >> adamari lopez sigue como sobreviviente del cancer de cenos >> no tengo nada más en mente que querer ser feliz >> aún quedna sueños en el tintero >> me encantaria se rmama y ojala algún día tenga esa dicha y tener un niño como me quiieron a mi >> cuando abrodamos el tema con luis fonsi pidió repseto cada cual siguo su vida y ya basata de esas preguntas< >> esta embajadora nos recuerda: trabajen en la campaña para luchar contra el cancer de senos >> porsupuesto les deseamos la mejor de las suertes a adamari lopez, todo los domingos, volvemos con ustedes>> los blue ángels siguen zuracando los cielos de san francisco, los blue ángels haran sus acrobacias, buen fin de sem
bien y buenas noches ahora a la pausa >>> al menos 21 personas han muerto por la listeria con los melonesel país, se espera un aumento en el número >> cambio de tema, en mira quien baila damari lopez nos cuenta de sus comoromisos y de su ex >> hola amigos, adamari lopes fue elegida como de los más poderosos >> no queremos que naie más tenga esta enfermedad y captarna en una etapa temprana y si eso me hace poderosa lo elijo >> adamari lopez sigue como...
Oct 28, 2011
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. >>> and melons man jailed in aruba faces a detention hearing today. gary giordano, has been in custody since august. authorities suspect he's involved in the disappearance of robyn gardner, but he still has not been charged with any crime. a judge could release him during today's hearing. >>> a trip from farragut north to farragut west aboveground might cost what it costs below ground. the virtual model will allow you to transfer between the red line station and the blue and orange line stations without paying an additional fare. the two stations are just one block away from each other. >>> a rally on wall street is calming fears of a double-dip recession. >> the dow jones closed up 340 points intraday. >> traders heading to work today feel a little more optimistic. let's get answers from karen travers in northwest washington. good morning. >> good morning. the dow jones closed up 340 points yesterday. that puts october on pace to be the best month for the stock market in 25 years. the good news was spurred by news at home as well as news abroad. yest
. >>> and melons man jailed in aruba faces a detention hearing today. gary giordano, has been in custody since august. authorities suspect he's involved in the disappearance of robyn gardner, but he still has not been charged with any crime. a judge could release him during today's hearing. >>> a trip from farragut north to farragut west aboveground might cost what it costs below ground. the virtual model will allow you to transfer between the red line station and the blue and...
Oct 20, 2011
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investigación de farmacos y alimentos, está responsabilizando a una planta por el brote de histeria en los melonese el banco cobrará por uso de tarjeta débito no ha caido bien entre los consumidores, tanto así que los clientes del banco de américa, están haciendo planes para cambiarse de institución financiera, una de cada 3 personas transladarían sus cuentas si hay cobro por el uso de tarjetas, 4 de cada diez clientes dicen que usarán dinero en efectivo o tarjetas de crédito. y anoche se dieron con todo los candidatos republicanos en un debate enn nevado, el tema de inmigración fue el tema central, hubo acaloradas frases, vamos a los detalles. [hablanddo en inglés] >> adjetivos no faltan para describir el debate republicano en nevada, el más intenso hasta ahora. [hablando en inglés] >> quienes más se apacaron este último, acusó a su contrincante de hipocresía al hablar de inmigración, el gobernador de texas echó mano de una vieja historia d que contrató a indocumentados para trabajar en su mansión de massachusetts. [hablando en inglés] >> éste replicó no haber conttratado a indocumentados y querí
investigación de farmacos y alimentos, está responsabilizando a una planta por el brote de histeria en los melonese el banco cobrará por uso de tarjeta débito no ha caido bien entre los consumidores, tanto así que los clientes del banco de américa, están haciendo planes para cambiarse de institución financiera, una de cada 3 personas transladarían sus cuentas si hay cobro por el uso de tarjetas, 4 de cada diez clientes dicen que usarán dinero en efectivo o tarjetas de crédito. y...
Oct 1, 2011
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. >>> las víctimas del grupo melones, eran halcones, es decir informantes de los zetas, pero se informóe detectó el cáncer al presidente de venezuela, hugo chávez, han corrido rumores sobre su salud, como nos explica francisco urrisquieta desde caracas, ha surgido el rumor de quién sería el sucesor de hugo chávez en caso de ser necesario . >>> reaparece en una práctica deportiva con sus ministros, el presidente de venezuela, hugo chávez aparece buscando desmentir que está mal de salud, se para por dos horas a contestar las preguntas y evade decir qué tipo de cáncer tiene . >>> para aumentar la morbosidad. >>> buena voz, buen semblente, buen humor, quiere demostrar que vence su enfermedad, pero una mancha roja en su cuello ,podría indicar una baja en sus plaquetas, por el tratamiento de quimio. >>> esos son efectos secundarios del tratamiento que recibe el presidente . >>> nada que señale mayor gravedad, pero el cuerpo de hugo chávez está completo por ropa deportiva, ocultando un torso hinchado , que podría ser consecuencia del uso de esteroides. >>> debe deberse que está usando en una d
. >>> las víctimas del grupo melones, eran halcones, es decir informantes de los zetas, pero se informóe detectó el cáncer al presidente de venezuela, hugo chávez, han corrido rumores sobre su salud, como nos explica francisco urrisquieta desde caracas, ha surgido el rumor de quién sería el sucesor de hugo chávez en caso de ser necesario . >>> reaparece en una práctica deportiva con sus ministros, el presidente de venezuela, hugo chávez aparece buscando desmentir que...
Oct 1, 2011
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una familia del condado de baltimore esta demandando a una granja de colorado, distribuidora de melonespues de un familar de 89- anos muriera por contagio con listeria... la demanda fue presentada en una corte de maryland, contra jensen farm y frontera produce, a nombre de la familia de clarence wells de catonsville, un ex empleado del departamento de defensa... donna kay wells lloyd, dice que su padre murio el 31 de agosto, y que funcionarios de salud le informaron posteriormente que habia fallecido por el mismo brote de listeria desatado a nivel nacional... muy buenas noches, hoy hemos tenido un dia con temperaturas muy agradables, el astro rey se ha hecho sentir en todo su esplendor... actualmente en nuestra capital el termometro marca 74 grados, 23 grados centigrados, en otra perspectiva observamos como existe un frente frio que esta acercando a nuestra region y lo estaremos sintiendo este fin de semana especialmente en horas de la noche... a quienes quieren salir a divertirse lleven un abrigo porque el termometro baja a 51 grados... manana hay 60% de probabilidad es de lluvia posib
una familia del condado de baltimore esta demandando a una granja de colorado, distribuidora de melonespues de un familar de 89- anos muriera por contagio con listeria... la demanda fue presentada en una corte de maryland, contra jensen farm y frontera produce, a nombre de la familia de clarence wells de catonsville, un ex empleado del departamento de defensa... donna kay wells lloyd, dice que su padre murio el 31 de agosto, y que funcionarios de salud le informaron posteriormente que habia...
Oct 9, 2011
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the contaminated melons have a form of listeria and it's the deadliest food-born illness of its kind here in the united states. >>> the ten-month-old has been missing for a week. what her family is now doing to get the word out about her disappearance. >>> amanda knox is sharing some secrets about her life behind bars. who sexually harassed her. . >>> so we started out at 49 degrees, made it up to 83 degrees, a beautiful day with plenty of sunshine, no type of rain, rain is the keyword and i'll tell you when to stick around on the other side of the break. . >>> the family of a missing ten- month-old baby is reaching out to tens of thousands of nascar fans hoping to help them find their daughter. her parents reported her missing tuesday saying she was kidnapped from their kansas city home overnight. the family handed out flyers at a parking lot at a speedway. investigators have no leads in the case despite a search that included the neighborhood, the woods and a landfill. >> now the latest on amanda knox. knox says she was a victim of sexual harassment during her imprisonment in italy
the contaminated melons have a form of listeria and it's the deadliest food-born illness of its kind here in the united states. >>> the ten-month-old has been missing for a week. what her family is now doing to get the word out about her disappearance. >>> amanda knox is sharing some secrets about her life behind bars. who sexually harassed her. . >>> so we started out at 49 degrees, made it up to 83 degrees, a beautiful day with plenty of sunshine, no type of rain,...
Oct 1, 2011
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. >> you like the melon. >> you like cigarettes. >> market shares are eroding. >> you like a canadianompany. >> love the monthly dividends. >> world economy is slowing down and driller will go down. >> that's it, gang. keep it right here. it continues with carbin in and cheryl casewne. >> if is easy tore do business in chynna. those stunning
. >> you like the melon. >> you like cigarettes. >> market shares are eroding. >> you like a canadianompany. >> love the monthly dividends. >> world economy is slowing down and driller will go down. >> that's it, gang. keep it right here. it continues with carbin in and cheryl casewne. >> if is easy tore do business in chynna. those stunning
Oct 4, 2011
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cu ---se espera que aumente el numero de personas que ha muerto por consumir melones contaminados conria listeria. take vo ---en todo el pais, hasta el momento ya han perecido 15 personas por la bacteria que vive en el suelo y en el agua y la cual puede moverse de una celula, a otra rapidamente. ---para evitar el contagio, los expertos recomiendan lavarse bien las manos y limpiar con mucha agua las frutas y verduras, aunque agregan, la unica forma de matar la bacteria es cuando la comida est bien cocinada. ---el grmen afecta sobre todo a los niÑos y a las mujeres embarazadas. stop open cu ---la ley antiinmigrante de alabama, ya esta afectando a los dueÑos de fincas que se estan quedando sin trabajadores. ---rogelio mora tagle, dice como la ley costar millones de dolares en perdidas para la economia. take pkg cu ---el gobierno de estados unidos, iniciar maÑana el perodo de inscripcin para la lotera de 50 mil visas permanentes para el aÑo 2013. take vo ---el departamento de estado, indic que esta oportunidad est abierta a personas procedentes de pases con baja migracin a este pas como:
cu ---se espera que aumente el numero de personas que ha muerto por consumir melones contaminados conria listeria. take vo ---en todo el pais, hasta el momento ya han perecido 15 personas por la bacteria que vive en el suelo y en el agua y la cual puede moverse de una celula, a otra rapidamente. ---para evitar el contagio, los expertos recomiendan lavarse bien las manos y limpiar con mucha agua las frutas y verduras, aunque agregan, la unica forma de matar la bacteria es cuando la comida est...
eye 233
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going to solve our illegal immigration problems, we need to look inside ourselves with an emotional melon baller and scoop out any vestige ofçó humankindness. especially when it comes to pregnant illegals. they're the most devious kind because they sneak across our border with another immigrant hiding inside them. for allçó we know, there's anotr one hiding insidethe baby. now these women... these women know that the second they drop their anchor baby on u.s. soil the illegal resource-sucking parasite inside them that's been stealing jobs from american embryos is instantly transformed into the greatest, bestest, freest baby in the world. you are so cute. yes, you are. who deserves a free education? you do. you do. you see, i love this baby because he is an american. but if that baby were born in mexico, hey, speak-a da englais, goo-goo, ga-ga. now luckily some states have found a great way to discourage these women from coming here and squatting out a freedom fetus. recently in arizona and tennessee, three pregnant women were arrested for not having proper identification and forced to giv
going to solve our illegal immigration problems, we need to look inside ourselves with an emotional melon baller and scoop out any vestige ofçó humankindness. especially when it comes to pregnant illegals. they're the most devious kind because they sneak across our border with another immigrant hiding inside them. for allçó we know, there's anotr one hiding insidethe baby. now these women... these women know that the second they drop their anchor baby on u.s. soil the illegal...
Oct 20, 2011
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la agencia dijo que las malas condiciones de salubridad duna planta de empaque que se procesoaba melones del fundador stevejobs, se reazÓ en la serie pipal de compaÑÍa, jobs miÓ hace dos semanas luego de lucr contra un cÁncer de p creas. >> es tiempo de una pausa comercial y sigue centroamÉrica bajol agua y la desolaciÓn. aumenn muertos y desaparecis y surge una nueva amenaza climÁticas. >> increment las protestas indÍgenas en contra de evo morales. >> mÁ (♪). >> muertos, deparecidos evacuaciones y considerables daÑos en infraestructuras es el panorama que se vive en centroamÉrica a causa de torrencies aguaceros. >> expertos dicen que el tiempo va a mejorar pero advierten que podÍa presearse una nueva ergencia. >> salvador castellanos nos explica de quÉ se trata. >> las lluvias rezaron en el salvador ocasionando deslizamntos de erras, damnificados. >> ayer se lnÓ y estaba en una casa y llegaron a decirme y sÍ yo. >> mÁs de unentenar de muertos y casi un millÓn de damnificad saldo este miÉrces de la lluvias que azotan centroamÉrica hace mÁs de a semana. >> no faltan casos conmovedores com
la agencia dijo que las malas condiciones de salubridad duna planta de empaque que se procesoaba melones del fundador stevejobs, se reazÓ en la serie pipal de compaÑÍa, jobs miÓ hace dos semanas luego de lucr contra un cÁncer de p creas. >> es tiempo de una pausa comercial y sigue centroamÉrica bajol agua y la desolaciÓn. aumenn muertos y desaparecis y surge una nueva amenaza climÁticas. >> increment las protestas indÍgenas en contra de evo morales. >> mÁ (♪)....
Oct 1, 2011
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all of the tainted melons are probably off the shelves by now. from a california company true leaf farms is recalling tens of thousands of bags of their shredded romaine lettuce that was shipped to 19 states and canada. it had a use by date of september 29. >>> a california grandfather is recovering after spending six days trapped in a ravine. his name, david, he drove off the road in the forest and landed about 200 feet below, if you can imagine. if that wasn't bad enough he ended up next to a dead driver in another car and turns out a man drove off the same spot two weeks ago, no one knew that guy was there. rescuers found both men because that one man, his children refused to stop looking for their father and found him. >> we stopped at every ravine and looked over every hill and then my brother got out of the car and kept screaming and the next thing we heard dad say help, help. and there he was. my dad wouldn't never not call his kids there are four of us. just by the time the fourth day that the -- that day and six days we knew something wa
all of the tainted melons are probably off the shelves by now. from a california company true leaf farms is recalling tens of thousands of bags of their shredded romaine lettuce that was shipped to 19 states and canada. it had a use by date of september 29. >>> a california grandfather is recovering after spending six days trapped in a ravine. his name, david, he drove off the road in the forest and landed about 200 feet below, if you can imagine. if that wasn't bad enough he ended up...
Oct 20, 2011
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primero fueron los melones y ahora las mesclas de ensaladas las que estarian enfermando a la gente... que mas de tres mil doscientas cajas de ensaladas de varios tipos producidas por talor farms, podrian estar contaminadas con salmonela... las ensaladas son vendidas en todo el pais y puerto rico, y tienen una docena de diversos productos.... si usted tiene estas ensaladas de talor farms, autoridades de salud recomiendan desecharla... en honduras, la cifra de muertos a causa de las lluvias desde el pasado dia 10 se mantiene en 15, pero se han casi duplicado los efectados, ya que suman mas de 57 mil, informo la comision permanente de contingencias... a ello se suman otros danos en carreteras, puentes, sistemas de agua potable, electricidad y alcantarillado, escuelas, derrumbes de tierra y la perdidad de unas 4, 500 hectareas de cultivo agricola, entre otros... la zona mas afectada es la del sur del pais... en la republica dominicana, las autoridades admiten que hay presos en constate comunicacion con el exterior pues mediante el soborno logran introducir telefonos en las carceles... en
primero fueron los melones y ahora las mesclas de ensaladas las que estarian enfermando a la gente... que mas de tres mil doscientas cajas de ensaladas de varios tipos producidas por talor farms, podrian estar contaminadas con salmonela... las ensaladas son vendidas en todo el pais y puerto rico, y tienen una docena de diversos productos.... si usted tiene estas ensaladas de talor farms, autoridades de salud recomiendan desecharla... en honduras, la cifra de muertos a causa de las lluvias desde...
SFGTV2: San Francisco Government Television
Oct 4, 2011
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then i earned a master's degree from carnegie melon in pittsburg, pennsylvania. spent some time as assistant executive director for a non-profit. we did work if a lot of kids in the neighborhood. i have done fundraising for candidates and issues. i have experience with the federal reserve bank of san francisco. when i look around my neighborhood and see the changes that are happening, i so there is no neighborhood grocery store. i see that small businesses in particular are coming and going, and they haven't been able to really sustain themselves. from my work experience in working for the city in the mayor's office as well as in the non-profit, i had a good sense as to what some of the challenges were. when i look in the future, i could see more challenges coming. i thought i had a set of experiences and more importantly a passion and desire to serve. >> i understand that no one wants to have their programs cut. of course not. i also want everyone here to understand that no one up here wants to cut programs because they don't care about the population being serv
then i earned a master's degree from carnegie melon in pittsburg, pennsylvania. spent some time as assistant executive director for a non-profit. we did work if a lot of kids in the neighborhood. i have done fundraising for candidates and issues. i have experience with the federal reserve bank of san francisco. when i look around my neighborhood and see the changes that are happening, i so there is no neighborhood grocery store. i see that small businesses in particular are coming and going,...
Oct 15, 2011
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. -- a melon for 10 euros. but they did not want to buy local produce. they want to stay a maximum of five or 10 years. then they hope that their son will never return. >> we would like to tickle your tastebuds with another global snack. we have already introduced u2 no fuss foods from all over the planet. we keep looking for these down to earth delicacies. this week, we had to london. >> every morning, he takes a few eels. the water cooks them in his later used for the sauce that goes with the specialty. this is an institution. it is also a popular neighborhood hangout and has been since the 19th century. in the old days, the place was forgotten by dockworkers. they wanted hearty fare to fuel their hard work. one ingredient has always been essential. >> salt, flour, that is it. >> of flour and water, little else is used for the dough. we asked him how many pies he makes a day. >> a couple hundred. his pies do not contain preservatives or artificial ingredients, just british ground beef and water. >> this is the most traditional meal you can have in the
. -- a melon for 10 euros. but they did not want to buy local produce. they want to stay a maximum of five or 10 years. then they hope that their son will never return. >> we would like to tickle your tastebuds with another global snack. we have already introduced u2 no fuss foods from all over the planet. we keep looking for these down to earth delicacies. this week, we had to london. >> every morning, he takes a few eels. the water cooks them in his later used for the sauce that...
Oct 14, 2011
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one woman who became ill reportedly had a miscarriage after eating the contaminated melon.an fell opens were recalled in mid september and should now be off store shelves. >>> women on the pill pick boring lovers but great husbands. that's according to a new study that says women who were taking the pill when they met their partners are more likely to stay in the relationship than those who weren't. a muscle bound hunk may not turn users heads as much as a nice average looking guy with a nice steady job. >> they do studies on everything, don't they? >> aparentally. >>> our hunky meteorologist is here to talk about our warm day today. >> could this be our last summer blast? 89 in saratoga, one of the warmest spots. down in the south bay, santa rosa 88. san jose 87. no record setting temperatures so far. we may see one to two records here right around the peninsula, san francisco and oakland. we'll have to wait until that gets certified in the 5:00 p.m. drying wind moving back in the bay area, providing excellent visibility from the east bay, looking right back toward san fra
one woman who became ill reportedly had a miscarriage after eating the contaminated melon.an fell opens were recalled in mid september and should now be off store shelves. >>> women on the pill pick boring lovers but great husbands. that's according to a new study that says women who were taking the pill when they met their partners are more likely to stay in the relationship than those who weren't. a muscle bound hunk may not turn users heads as much as a nice average looking guy with...
Oct 1, 2011
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all of those tainted melons are probably off store shelves by now. again, it's important to note it can take a while before you actually feel sick. they say up to two months. now listeria fear is behind the recall of bagged lettuce from a california company. true leaf farms. recalling tens of thousands of bags of their shredded romaine lettuce shipped to 19 states and canada and had a use by date of september 29th. >>> let's turn to presidential politics and listen to this. voting in the 2012 presidential race could actually start this year. yes. in it december. that is because new hampshire is now threatening to move its primary to december. we could be doing this around the holiday season. they're doing this in response to florida, moving its primary up to january 31st. new hampshire is is traditionally the first primary of the season following the iowa caucuses. the they want to keep that distinction and keep it that way. they were originally scheduled to have their primary in february. florida throwing everything up in the air. now the decision c
all of those tainted melons are probably off store shelves by now. again, it's important to note it can take a while before you actually feel sick. they say up to two months. now listeria fear is behind the recall of bagged lettuce from a california company. true leaf farms. recalling tens of thousands of bags of their shredded romaine lettuce shipped to 19 states and canada and had a use by date of september 29th. >>> let's turn to presidential politics and listen to this. voting in...
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cantaloupe, listeria outbreak, jenson farms in colorado recalled it's cantaloupe september 14th after melons were linked to this outbreak. cdc says it expects deaths to rise because symptoms can take several weeks to develop. so far, 84 people in 19 states have gotten sick. >> and bags of chopped romaine lettuce linked to a possible contamination. may have been sold in california initially as reported the recall involved 90 cartons shipped to oregon food service distributors. today the state department of public health said it's working with the farms to verify the distribution of the produce in question. and health officials say most of the lettuce was sold to california institutions such as restaurants ask cafeterias and only a small amount went to retail and other states. >> and a private school in the east bay is in a race to keep its doors open. it's asking parents to come up with a shocking amount of money as soon as possible. and we have that deadline facing the school in el cerrito. >> wind rush school needs $1 million by october deadline. and otherwise, they'll have to close by the
cantaloupe, listeria outbreak, jenson farms in colorado recalled it's cantaloupe september 14th after melons were linked to this outbreak. cdc says it expects deaths to rise because symptoms can take several weeks to develop. so far, 84 people in 19 states have gotten sick. >> and bags of chopped romaine lettuce linked to a possible contamination. may have been sold in california initially as reported the recall involved 90 cartons shipped to oregon food service distributors. today the...
Oct 1, 2011
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a third person in colorado has died from eating tainted cantaloupes. 17 deaths now linked to the melons contaminated with listeria. the centers for disease control says 84 people in 9 states, including california, have got p sick. the cantaloupes came from jensen farms in colorado. >>> nearly 33,000 pounds of romaine lettuce are being recalled. a potential listeria contamination, which found in a random bag. they were shipped at # 1 states. no illnesses have been reported. >>> fighting the flu this season will get a little less painful. some patients will have the option of using a smaller, thinner needle to get a flu shot. it provides the same protection. the nettle is less painful. >> after the worse collapse in baseball hisly, what was the scope tabors? and meet these first of many unlikely heros that will emerge this post season. sports is next. so...what do you think? i'm not crazy about these light fixtures. kitchen's too small. what's next? 607 franklin st. ♪ sea bass... ♪ ooohhh! ♪ i like it. yeah, i love the kitchen. [ male announcer ] the epa-estimated 42 mpg highway chevy cru
a third person in colorado has died from eating tainted cantaloupes. 17 deaths now linked to the melons contaminated with listeria. the centers for disease control says 84 people in 9 states, including california, have got p sick. the cantaloupes came from jensen farms in colorado. >>> nearly 33,000 pounds of romaine lettuce are being recalled. a potential listeria contamination, which found in a random bag. they were shipped at # 1 states. no illnesses have been reported. >>>...
Oct 26, 2011
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the tainted melons grown in colorado are off store shelves. but symptoms of listeria can take as much as two months to appear. >>> andy rooney has been hospitalized. cbs news will only say the 92-year-old is in stable but serious condition, after developing complications following minor surgery. just three weeks ago, rooney delivered his last regular essay for the news magazine. a feature he started way back in 1978. >>> and former democratic presidential candidate, george mcgovern is in a south dakota hospital this morning. a hospital spokesperson says he is there for fatigue after wrapping up a lecture tour. doctors expect him to make a full recovery. >>> in other news, hurricane rina is making a beeline for mexico's most popular tourist destinations. winds are hitting 110 miles per hour. they're expected to get even stronger before hitting cozumel and cancun later tonight. this is what rina looks like from the international space station. cruise ships are shifting course to avoid that storm. >>> now, for this morning's weather from around t
the tainted melons grown in colorado are off store shelves. but symptoms of listeria can take as much as two months to appear. >>> andy rooney has been hospitalized. cbs news will only say the 92-year-old is in stable but serious condition, after developing complications following minor surgery. just three weeks ago, rooney delivered his last regular essay for the news magazine. a feature he started way back in 1978. >>> and former democratic presidential candidate, george...
Oct 13, 2011
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food born illness in more than 25 years a man died after eating fruit from and the far that grew the melons issued a recall last month. >>> the area codes coming to maryland. be prepared to put numbers that start with 667 in your contact list. the state is running out of phone numbers and public service commission is adding another area code and 8 million new number combinations to work. it will be assigned to people in central maryland including baltimore city, baltimore county and anne arundel and hawford and -- harford and anne arundel counties. >>> this is the time of year when we see them everywhere. pink ribbons to raise awareness about breast cancer. what local groups are doing forming a living ribbon in the spirit to save more lives. >>> and if you forgot something, you can possibly blame it on sex. who knew -- blame it on sex? who knew? that's what researchers are saying. you are watching "good morning maryland" what's new now and next to get your thursday started off right. we will be right back. >>> october's breast cancer awareness month and instead of wearing a pink ribbon pin
food born illness in more than 25 years a man died after eating fruit from and the far that grew the melons issued a recall last month. >>> the area codes coming to maryland. be prepared to put numbers that start with 667 in your contact list. the state is running out of phone numbers and public service commission is adding another area code and 8 million new number combinations to work. it will be assigned to people in central maryland including baltimore city, baltimore county and...
Oct 9, 2011
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>>muchos hispanos venÍan y cargaban en sus camionetas sandÍas, melones... la industria mas castigada. >>the impact... y los efectos en la economÍa del estado serÁn terribles. reportero: uno de los puntos que distingue a la ley hb-56 de alabama de otras legislaciones estatales contra la inmigraciÓn ilegal, es el contenido de la secciÓn 28, que obliga a las escuelas pÚblicas del estado a verificar el estatus migratorio de los estudiantes. >>realmente, los niÑos que ya estÁn matriculados no tienen que reportar el estado migratorio de sus padres, pero los que se matriculan por primera vez, se les va a pedir la informaciÓn. pero todavÍa se puede negar esa informaciÓn. reportero: el desconocimiento de esa parte de la ley ha provocado que muchos hispanos indocumentados, temerosos de que sus hijos sean detenidos, abandonen el estado. por ejemplo, jesÚs ya estaba listo para mudarse a tennessee. >>es un poco difÍcil, porque aquÍ tengo a muchos de mis amigos, pero sÉ que es lo correcto, porque la verdad hasta tengo miedo de estar aquÍ, porque puede pasar lo que sea y
>>muchos hispanos venÍan y cargaban en sus camionetas sandÍas, melones... la industria mas castigada. >>the impact... y los efectos en la economÍa del estado serÁn terribles. reportero: uno de los puntos que distingue a la ley hb-56 de alabama de otras legislaciones estatales contra la inmigraciÓn ilegal, es el contenido de la secciÓn 28, que obliga a las escuelas pÚblicas del estado a verificar el estatus migratorio de los estudiantes. >>realmente, los niÑos que ya...
Oct 13, 2011
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colorado farm that grew the melonsish you had the shall dish you'd the -- melon issued the recall last month. >>> brother's pas was closed for most of wednesday afternoon -- brother's pizza was closed for most of wednesday after a car crashed into the storech the elderly woman driving the car is fine and so is the passenger. no one inside the restaurant was injured. >>> back in the cmp days we used the saratoga 64 and then the 301 and then we divided up and grew into 41410 a that divided more. now we are getting ready for 667. we are talking about area codes. maryland is running out of phone numbers so the public service commission is now adding a new area code. 667 will give 8 million newnumber bigss and it will be assigned to those in central maryland including baltimore city and baltimore county anne arundel and harford counties as well. >>> a salon swarming with clients is swarming with police. a mass shooting leaves eight people dead and one person critically injured. what authorities are saying about the alleged shooter. >>> a mexican city is under water. how they are work to sta
colorado farm that grew the melonsish you had the shall dish you'd the -- melon issued the recall last month. >>> brother's pas was closed for most of wednesday afternoon -- brother's pizza was closed for most of wednesday after a car crashed into the storech the elderly woman driving the car is fine and so is the passenger. no one inside the restaurant was injured. >>> back in the cmp days we used the saratoga 64 and then the 301 and then we divided up and grew into 41410 a...
Oct 15, 2011
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farmers say consumers are afraid to eat melons and many had to plow under their crop because there is no market for them. some had to lay off workers at the height of what normally would be harvest season. >>> pg&e is replacing 1,000 miles of gas line made of plastic. they expect it to take three years. it is linked to failures including an explosion earlier this year in cupertino. they are testing testing on the main lines. >> part of our improvements to leak surveying, testing and inspecting our lines much more frequently. >> the blast area is one of the first places that the plastic pipeline will be replaced. utility is rerouteing a pipeline in south san francisco to prevent it from failing during an earthquake. >>> pg&e says the crews capped a leak. it happened on apple berry drive. a construction crew, replacing a sewer line, hit the pipe at 1:00 p.m. children had to be evacuated from a daycare and residents from another home. the fire department says the pipe is cast iron, no one was hurt. >>> firefighters rescued a bed written elderly woman and caretaker from a burning home. kt
farmers say consumers are afraid to eat melons and many had to plow under their crop because there is no market for them. some had to lay off workers at the height of what normally would be harvest season. >>> pg&e is replacing 1,000 miles of gas line made of plastic. they expect it to take three years. it is linked to failures including an explosion earlier this year in cupertino. they are testing testing on the main lines. >> part of our improvements to leak surveying,...
Oct 10, 2011
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the contaminated melons have a form of bacteria called lifterria. it is the deadly -- listeria. it is the deadliliest since 1998 in the u.s. >>> good news to report. you probably noticed at the pump gas prices are dropping. unleaded is down a quarter, about 3.42 a gallon. crude oil prices were on the decline last week which suggests this may be it for the drop in gas prices. >>> now, maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate. >>> we got mostly sunny skies earlier today. right now mainly clear skies. check out the temperature coming in right around 60 degrees. the humidity is right around 86%. the winds are calm. that barometer is at 30.34. it is holding steady. look at that blue sky out there into baltimore. great day to maybe go to the harbor or anything outdoors was good. we see a few wispy clouds moving in as we went through the afternoon but all in all, definitely a wonderful-looking day into baltimore, a wonderful day to annapolis as well. if you took the boat out, that was definitely a good idea as well. then maybe you
the contaminated melons have a form of bacteria called lifterria. it is the deadly -- listeria. it is the deadliliest since 1998 in the u.s. >>> good news to report. you probably noticed at the pump gas prices are dropping. unleaded is down a quarter, about 3.42 a gallon. crude oil prices were on the decline last week which suggests this may be it for the drop in gas prices. >>> now, maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weather...
Oct 19, 2011
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and trucks used to transport melons may also have carried cattle. >>> and we turn next to politics, your voice, your vote. and the flareup at the republican debate last night. it has the political world ta talking today. and the front-runners put a lot of pressure on each other. we want to bring in "good morning america" anchor george stephanopoulos. so, tell us what really mattered last night. >> reporter: these debates matter. a lot of people watched, 5 to 6 million people, and they are making a differences. the front-runners took some heat. herman cain, his 9-9-9 tax plan. every other candidate on the stage attacked it. take a look. >> we simply remove the hidden taxes that are in goods and services with our plan and replace it with a single rate 9%. >> herman, i love you, brother, but let me tell you something, it's not going to fly. >> if we get congress a 9% sales tax, how long will it take a liberal president and a liberal congress to run that up to maybe 90%? >> reports are out that 84% of americans would pay more taxes under his plan. >> reporter: those attacks, plus his instead
and trucks used to transport melons may also have carried cattle. >>> and we turn next to politics, your voice, your vote. and the flareup at the republican debate last night. it has the political world ta talking today. and the front-runners put a lot of pressure on each other. we want to bring in "good morning america" anchor george stephanopoulos. so, tell us what really mattered last night. >> reporter: these debates matter. a lot of people watched, 5 to 6 million...
Oct 2, 2011
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around the country - grocery stores - like this one - have removed the contaminated melons from their shelves..but for one local man ... it was too late... and now his family is mourning his death. 22:46 he loved to wear hats. he wore really ugly sweaters. 50donna lloyd smiles as she describes her 87-year-old father - clarence wells' - fun-loving personality. 22:52 he loved playing poker with pistachios as his chips. 56but she never thought her dad - who survived heart surgery and world war two - would die like this. 32:15 it's just mind boggling 19 donna says she took her father to the hospital last month - after he suddenly gained 9-pounds in just three days. a few days later - he had a high fever - and couldn't breathe on his own. 25:28 they um, called and said that his heart had stopped and that they were working on him, so it was a pretty bad hour. and then he just passed away 43 a couple weeks later - donna got a letter from the health department saying her dad tested positive for listeria - the same type of bacteria now found in millions of contaminated cantaloupes. 26:40 it wa
around the country - grocery stores - like this one - have removed the contaminated melons from their shelves..but for one local man ... it was too late... and now his family is mourning his death. 22:46 he loved to wear hats. he wore really ugly sweaters. 50donna lloyd smiles as she describes her 87-year-old father - clarence wells' - fun-loving personality. 22:52 he loved playing poker with pistachios as his chips. 56but she never thought her dad - who survived heart surgery and world war two...