any response from melurians, lieutenant? nothing since their original distress call, sir. what about the federation science team working there? dr. manway had a special transmitter. there's nothing, sir. i'm scanning all frequencies. they have to answer. captain. answer. the long-range sensor sweeeeof this system reveals no sign of life. well, that can't be. the last census reported a total inhabitation of more than four billion people. i register no life e adings at all, sir. that's impossible. what could have happened? we would have known in advance of any system-wide catastrophe. dioactive residue. our instruments show only normal background radiation. any other possibilities? unknown, sir, since the readings would have revealed the presence of any disease organisms. they do not. in addition, we received a routine report from this system only a week ago. and the cycyeline blood burn does not act that swiftly. captain, shields just snapped on. something heading in at ultrawarp speeds. evasive maneuvers, mr. sulu. an extremely powerful bolt of energy, captain. full power