with the executive director of the civil service of the state of california a newly elected and melva davis a treasurer to us just want to make a few points as we hear from our guest when women won the right to vote the headlines said women given the right to vote that was not true women wrnlt given anything women worked and struggled and fought and starved were starved to take it either way they did everything for this fundamental right to vote as we had fought for others to have the right to vote after the civil war now it was expanded to women this is a precious privilege and right and we must honor it and those gathered here are committed to preserving and honoring that right to vote this is also the 50 anniversary on the march on selma that was - (clapping.) that was the bridge to the valley the bridge to the ballot martin luther king said the ballot the ballot the ballot legislation legislation legislation your life the connection between the ballot and the people were bean and killed everybody on if bridge to the valley including my great colleague john louis they made big sacrifices