i'm melvin herman and this is al-- shut up! robinson. melvin herman? oh, my gosh, lamont! lamont sanford! melvin herman, the cheerleader from junior high school? well, i used to be a cheerleader, now i'm a bank robber. give me a "b," give me an "a," give me an "n," give me a "k." un] that was you! oh, whoops. now, ok, pal, on the floor, come on! yeah, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor. [sirens approaching] see, i told you they'd be here! all right, everybody over here. come on, move it! first cop through that door, this thing goes off. what about my loan? you've got bigger problems, now. there. come out with your hands up. [yelling] you make one move, and these 7 hostages get it! now, for the last time, i'm telling you, everybody on the floor! for the first time i'm telling you, u your final warning! now, this whole thing is starting to get me a little jittery. now, you've got one more chance to get out of here unharmed. if you cooperate, understand? cooperate! i'm cooperating! everybody get on the floor, i ain't gonna tell you again! on the floor! al: we want to ta