author melvin urofsqy. alks about louie brandeis. he was instrumental in the federal reserve and the federal commission. you can find all those interviews and more night, in lookay at the fcc lifeline subsidy program in a plan to include broadband access in order to bridge the digital divide between higher and lower income americans. the fcc expects to take up the proposal at the end of the month. we will talk with the policy director at the benton foundation and daniel lion. we are joined by brandon sasso. >> low income consumers need access to broadband. that unclear to me congress would be able to pass a support for directly aimed at low income users. this congress has not been particularly supportive of folks who are in poverty. the conversations that have been on the hill have been hard to decipher. >> they are putting the cart before the horse or they have not been a study to suggest that these are the drivers keeping low income people from adopting broadband service. we do not know if we need nine dollars a month for 10 millio