but she was known nationally, and she was a star of stage, she was married to melvyn douglas, the actor. and she became involved in california politics, and was a progressive and began to speak a lot on behalf of democratic candidates. she won election to the house, for a couple of terms in the 1940s. and she wasn't really a legislator per se. she wasn't introducing a lot of bills, and she's not what we would call a legislative entrepreneur. but she was a spokes person for progressive issues. she would often come onto the floor, and talk about improving housing, to an african american, civil rights, and so she was known as a great speech maker. so here is a campaign bill, or poster which advertises speaking gauge mints that douglas made in 1948. and it happens in oakland, which is far from her district. so you get the sense that she was on the speaking circuit a lot, speaking for democratic candidates and democratic issues. she serves a couple of terms in the house, and in the near and in the early 19 fifties, she decides to run for the u.s. senate, and she goes to the primary, the demo